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On 28, aug 2024 | In | By lablax


«Symfoni» is recomposed romanticism. Rebuilt and improvised versions of songs by R Strauss, A Mahler, S Rachmaninoff, R Wagner and G Mahlers 4th symphony. Live Maria Roggen – vocals and electronics. Ingfrid Breie Nyhus – piano and organ. Morten Qvenild – live electronics.


On 04, jan 2022 | In | By lablax


Live Maria Roggen & Ingfrid Breie Nyhus
Sibelius songs in improvised variants

Vocalist Live Maria Roggen and pianist Ingfrid Breie Nyhus explores interpretative possibilities with Jean Sibelius’ romantic and melancholic songs. Variants of four songs by Sibelius figure on the album; songs that Sibelius based on Finnish-Swedish poems by Fröding, Wecksell, Runeberg and Topelius: ‘Säf, säf, susa’, ‘Demanten på marssnön’, ‘Arioso’ and ‘Lasse liten’. In the Roggen/Nyhus improvisations, the original compositions are subject to variation, or fade into echoes, in unexpected directions of freer harmonic structures, exploring sound and timbre. ‘Demanten på marssnön’ also figures as two improvisations, pointing towards a more open form of interpretation.

Release January 14th 2022 / Record company: Lablabel / Recorded by: Ulf Holand in Levinsalen, NMH, Oslo / Mix by: Mike Hartung, Propeller Music Division / Mastering by: Morgan Nicolaysen, Propeller Music Division / Supported by the Norwegian Academy of Music and the Fund for Performing Arts (FFUK)



On 05, sep 2015 | In | By lablax


Olav Kielland: Villarkorn
Erik Dæhlin: Den tredje, første, andre, åttende, sjuende dagen
Ingfrid Breie Nyhus, piano

These 20 «Quiet Pieces», stille-stykkje, are Olav Kielland’s piano music Villarkorn, drawing inspiration from Norwegian folk music and the harding fiddle, and Erik Daehlin’s new music based on a folk song about a visionary dream, as sung on an old recording.

Pianist Ingfrid Breie Nyhus plays the music as if it was folk music – taking on a journey through simplicity, repetitivity, groove, and listening states.

Norwegian composer and conductor Olav Kielland (1901-1985) wrote the piano work Villarkorn in the 1940s, published in 1951, a set of 20 «quiet pieces». They were written after he moved to the district of Telemark in Norway, to live close to the rich folk music traditions there. The pieces are composed with the traits of the harding fiddle music as building bricks, and they also hint to the tales of magical creatures and powers that have been an important part of folk songs and stories, even everyday life, of the people. Norwegian composer and performing artist Erik Daehlin (born 1976) has made five pieces for this album, named The Third Day, The First Day, The Second Day, The Eight Day, The Seventh Day. They are variations built upon an old recording from 1937, Margit Boe singing the folk song Draumkvedet. This folk song tells the tale of Olav who slept for 13 days, visiting the afterlife in his trancelike dream.


To order the physical CD:

«Ingfrid Breie Nyhus is a magically poetic pianist who specializes in repertoire that combines modern classical and folk idioms. (…) Nyhus internalizes the Kielland ethos and gives it back to us with beautifully evocative performances. If Satie was Norwegian and became enthralled with local forms, his music might have sounded something like this. (…) The snippets of recorded vocalizations come at us in a quietly, ghostly sort of eerieness, as if the past were communicating to us from a distance, very much still alive. (…) It is thoroughly beautiful, still, quiet, yet with a movement through to the present, like water rippling forward inexorably but gently in a quiet rural stream. This is a program of great beauty. Ms. Nyhus gives us ideal performances. Strongly recommended.»
Gapplegate Classical-Modern Review


Rolf Borch Plays Houvenaghel’s Organ

On 17, feb 2015 | In | By lablax

Rolf Borch Plays Houvenaghel’s Organ

«Nuance of timbre and strongly communicating musicality (…) Houvenaghel’s Organ is a strong and wonderful celebration of this young Norwegian performer’s profile as a musician and artist (…) The polyphonic and sonorously saturated organ harmony is broadly painted with Borch’s super clarinet. It works. And it works well!»

(Annabel Guaita, BT)

«Borch is one of this country’s finest clarinet players, having had a dream of playing the great masters in the organ reperoire – in an organ setting. And then, of course, he does something about it. (…) A CD one can amuse oneself with – and marvel over.»

(Trond Eriksson)


Houvenaghel’s Organ is clarinetist Rolf Borch´s organist debut. By adding the contrabass clarinet to his family of clarinets, Rolf Borch is able to fill the same range as that of a large church organ. Being a classical clarinetist, highly profiled as a performer of contemporary music, Borch on this album plays iconic organ works by Frescobaldi, Bach and Reger along with his own new organ piece, Veils.


To order the physical CD: